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woman with blonde hair at the dentist getting her mouth worked on

Routine Exams

A dental checkup is a standard procedure in the dental world that is vital for maintaining your oral health. As we age, the risk of developing decay and periodontal disease increases. To keep up with these, you’re told you should visit the dentist for a checkup every six months — but do you know what they actually do during these appointments?

A dental checkup may consist of many procedures that ensure optimal oral health. Below, we’ll explain the steps our dental team at Aesthetic Family Dentistry takes during a routine exam!

#1 Bite Examination

Our dental team will examine your bite at the beginning of each dental appointment to ensure your teeth are positioned correctly. We may place a soft material between your teeth to ensure your bite is evenly-aligned.

If your bite is misaligned and has resulted in malocclusion, we may make recommendations to correct your bite, which could range from internal procedures to a visit with an orthodontist.

#2 Root Scaling & Planing

During your routine dental exam, we will root-scale and plane each tooth. Root scaling is when the dental team scrapes the gums to remove plaque buildup and calcium deposits. Our team will use a unique instrument to check your gum lines and remove any debris hidden inside the gum roots.

We will also perform root planing, the process of smoothing the tooth root to reattach to your tooth after the scaling is completed. Root scaling and planing are incredibly effective in preventing tooth decay and keeping your teeth strong and healthy!

#3 Check the Front & Back of Each Tooth

We will check the front and back of each tooth during your dental checkup! Though this may sound tedious, ensuring everything in your mouth is doing what it should be is essential. Our team will utilize a periodontal probe tool to examine your teeth and make any treatment recommendations.

Front teeth have enamel coverings and should not have excessive stains; the back of your teeth are covered partially with gum tissue and should be free of decay. If some or all of this does not reign true at your appointment, Aesthetic Family Dentistry will make any treatment recommendations.

#4 Look Over Your Temporomandibular Joint

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located in your jawbone and connects your lower teeth to your skull. As part of your dental exam, we will discuss any TMJ pain you may be experiencing and determine if there are any abnormalities within your temporomandibular joint. If your jawbone or teeth are damaged or weakened, we may recommend different ways to strengthen them at the office and at home!

#5 Oral Cancer Screening

An oral cancer screening is the last and most important aspect of a dental checkup. Oral cancer can grow in almost any area of your mouth, including your gums, palette, or tongue. Our team will perform a screening to ensure everything looks as it should.

During this screening, we will utilize a small tool to feel the inside of your mouth while also looking for any abnormal lumps or bumps, which can indicate cancer. If there are any abnormalities, we will recommend seeing a specialist ASAP.

The Highly Experienced Dental Team at Aesthetic Family Dentistry

At Aesthetic Family Dentistry, we are committed to providing every patient with a welcoming environment. From routine examinations to complex oral issues, we have been finding solutions for our patients for over fifty years.

If you are in need of a dental exam, look no further! We will walk you through every step of your exam, as mentioned above. Contact our team online or call us at (845) 209-2500 today to get on your path to a beautiful smile!